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利雅得机场接送与 Blacklane
利雅得是沙特阿拉伯的首都,也是沙特阿拉伯最大的城市,拥有 500 多万居民。尽管利雅得可能是世界上最大的石油出口国,但利雅得也有蓬勃发展的纺织和机械工业,为该地区带来了许多商务斜坡。对于飞往哈立德国王国际机场(RUH)的商务旅客来说,只有我们的 著名的机场接送服务才能提供的舒适和风格进入城市非常重要。Blacklane 在这里是为了让您的的旅程,它可以是最好的,无论情况-理想的专车服务在利雅得。

往返哈立德国王国际机场 (RUH)
当你降落在利雅得时,不要经历寻找出租车的紧张过程; 相反,预订 Blacklane 的 优质司机服务,带你进入城市的风格和阶级。您的 Blacklane 司机将在那里接你在抵达,拿着个接机牌,并准备协助您的的行李。我们所有的专业司机都具备当地知识,讲英语,所以没有语言障碍可担心,让您的在利雅得的旅程中获得最大的舒适。
使用 Blacklane 预订是快速、简单、高效的。您的 值得信赖的利雅得专车服务可以在我们的网站上进行在线预订,或从我们的应用程序在您的 Android 或 iOS 智能手机上进行。你看到的是你得到的:报价将正是你所支付的,包括费用,税费和小费。除了我们的利雅得机场接送服务外,Blacklane 还可用于城市旅行,提供时尚和 实惠的利雅得豪华轿车服务。我们的私家车可以预订单程或按小时预订,有司机待命等待您。如果您预订小时行程,只需确保您可以预订 24 小时,单程行程需要 60 分钟即可。当然,请记住在登机前预您的 RUH 机场接送!

Frequently Asked Questions
How do I get from Riyadh airport to the city?
How do I get from Riyadh airport to the city?
Unsurprisingly for the global producer of petroleum, car transfers are the best way to get from Riyadh Airport into the city. Booking a private airport transfer in advance with Blacklane guarantees you peace of mind due to our global service standards and transparent inclusive fees.
Is there a metro to Riyadh airport?
Is there a metro to Riyadh airport?
The metro Yellow Line (Line 4) stretches from Riyadh Airport to the King Abdullah Financial District (KAFD), where it links with the Blue and Purple lines as well as a monorail to take you further around the city.
How much is a taxi from Riyadh airport to city?
How much is a taxi from Riyadh airport to city?
A taxi from Riyadh Airport into the city center should cost about $19–23 (70–85 SAR), depending on the daytime.
Is it worth booking an airport transfer in Riyadh?
Is it worth booking an airport transfer in Riyadh?
Booking an airport transfer is always a good idea for reducing the stress of arriving in a busy airport, particularly in a new city. Avoid the hassle of dealing with a new currency and language, or negotiating an unfamiliar public transport system with Blacklane’s premium English-speaking airport transfer service in Saudi Arabia.
Is Riyadh a big airport?
Is Riyadh a big airport?
Yes - Riyadh airport was once the biggest airport in the world, and is one of the busiest airports in the Middle East, processing over 40 million passengers in 2023. With renewed international focus on the country in the next decade, expect Riyadh Airport to only get bigger.