Blacklane’s CEO and Asia-Pacific team in Singapore
Blacklane’s CEO Jens Wohltorf was in Singapore a couple of weeks ago to meet with our Asia-Pacific team. On the agenda: presenting our vision of mobility to key industry players, journalists and travel enthusiasts.
With Blacklane’s expansion into the Asia-Pacific region fully underway, we realize the importance of making our presence known on the ground. The plan for the week was attending Web In Travel and ITB Asia in Singapore. Both events are important annual highlights in the travel industry.
Blacklane was alongside other key players in the German travel industry, such as Lufthansa, Düsseldorf Airport, Visit Berlin and the Maritim Hotels. Blacklane attended the exclusive “Travel Destination Germany” kick-off event for ITB Asia 2016 prior to the travel exhibition, follow-up talks and introductions. ITB Asia, an offspring of ITB Berlin, offers a unique and important opportunity for international travel and mobility companies, with a special focus on Asia, to seek new cooperations and strike new partnership deals.
The industry aims to provide a seamless experience to the customer, which means it’s all about cooperation across business models, continents and cultural boundaries. Jens took part in a panel discussion at Web In Travel that focused on the cooperation between airlines and ground transportation — key factors to making a travel experience truly seamless and comfortable across water, ground and air.

Blacklane首席执行官与亚太团队参加新加坡WIT及ITB Asia
在亚太团队的支持下,Blacklane首席执行官Jens Wohltorf到访新加坡,向行业主导企﹑新闻工作者和旅游爱好者展示对旅游交通行业的愿景。
Blacklane 致力发展亚太业务,近期参加了两个在新加坡举办的旅游业年度盛事:Web in Travel线上旅游大会 和ITB Asia亚洲国际旅游展。
作为世界最大旅展ITB德国柏林国际旅游展在亚洲的延续,ITB Asia为各国际旅运经营者提供发展业务的重要机会,寻求在亚洲的新机遇和合作伙伴。 Blacklane在10月18日与各德国旅游主要参与者(如汉莎航空,杜塞尔多夫机场,柏林旅游会议局和布莱克林的玛丽蒂姆酒店集团)参加了ITB亚洲2016独家活动“Travel Destination Germany (旅游目的地-德国)” 的启动礼,并在之后几天的活动中继续进行会谈和介绍。
由于现今国际旅游业的发展方向是为旅客提供无缝的旅游体验,企业之间的合作模式也变得灵活而且多样化,跨业务﹑跨国界以至跨文化的合作渐成趋势。在Web in Travel线上旅游大会上,Jens参与了航空公司和地面运输行业合作的专题讨论。透过此关键的合作关系,客户才能真正享受无缝和舒适的旅行体验。