Required coronavirus safety measures

With the coronavirus spreading further, we need to require new measures to ensure the safety of you, your employees, and our mutual guests. We will also communicate these to our guests, as they are requesting more assurance when they travel. If not already done so, please put the following measures in place:

• Provide guests hand sanitizer in the back of your vehicles.
• Disinfect the back of the vehicle after each ride with hygienic wipes or a spray.
• Do not provide guests with magazines, newspapers or other papers.
• Avoid handshakes. Instead, chauffeurs may prefer a slight bow or head nod.

Especially if you are in a strongly affected area, also consider masks and gloves for chauffeurs and masks for guests. On top of that, as mentioned in our previous email, please seek medical care, follow local authorities’ guidance, and do not perform rides if you have symptoms.

As mentioned last week, you can give back rides in the unfortunate case that you have virus symptoms, without any consequences. Please select the “Health Reasons” category if applicable.

While the health of you and our mutual guests is the most important reason for these steps, we also believe they will help reduce the economic impact the virus will have on all of us. Please let us know if you have any problems putting these measures in place so we can support you and understand the local challenges you face. 

Thank you for your continuous support on this matter and for working with us under these difficult conditions. We are thinking of you and your loved ones, and we wish you all well.
