BLCC 3: Beyond the typical customer care!

We don’t have a process for that? We don’t measure our employees’ productivity? You can make decisions by yourself? These and many other questions occupied my mind in the first days at Blacklane as Customer Care & Operations Manager. You could say I was amazed: amazed that everything is so different from what I have experienced before in large corporations with a lot of structure. I almost want to say it’s a little bit chaotic. But in line with the German saying “genius dominates the mess,” Blacklane Customer Care dominates the chaos, and I’ve learned to love and appreciate it. I enjoy every day in this company in which Customer Care takes on a very different meaning for me. When I get to the office in the morning, the early shift is already there to look after our customers, who want no more than what they expect from other companies: a perfect service, someone who listens to them, understands, takes them seriously and finds a solution. Everything sounds quite simple when written out. It actually can be if you have the right employees, with the right attitude, and who identify with the company and simply have fun doing what they do. In my more than 15 years of customer care experience I have rarely experienced a team and a company which has such a strong cohesion as the Customer Care team at Blacklane, which is lovingly shortened to BLCC. I have the feeling that our employees like doing their job, want to help Blacklane progress and most importantly offer our customers the best service they can at any time. And that’s exactly what Customer Care should be. To be there for each other, to be there for our customers, to find solutions together, to appreciate each other. BLCC has shown me once again that no training is more important than the attitude that people have when dealing with others. What makes our Customer Care so special? In a word, diversity. Many of our employees come from abroad (Australia, Greece, USA, Sweden, to name a few), and we take a simple approach when recruiting: The more diverse the better! Each individual brings different experiences with them, and while many employees already have customer care experience, others are new. In the same way, we don’t all have the same skill set. However, we have a similar attitude -- we respect each other, help each other and stand up for one another. And we all believe Blacklane can only be successful as a team. As we have been growing recently, I’ve seen how the team integrates new employees into the BLCC family. You don’t know anyone in Berlin? No problem, let's do something together. No apartment yet? No problem, I know someone looking to sublet. You don’t speak German ? No problem, I can help you translate that letter. You have a problem? Let’s find a solution. We all have values that guide us and shape us, and I’m grateful to BLCC for accepting and tolerating this, and that I can be part of this unique team where people simply matter most.